March 3, 2009

Quarterly Questions: Fire Away

Back before live chatting became a weekly feature here I used to open up the floor for reader-submitted questions every few months and then answer everything in a later entry. The whole process is basically a low-tech version of live chatting, but not everyone can show up to the actual live chats in the middle of a weekday and the low-tech version allows me to put a little more thought into each answer. If you have a question that you'd like me to answer, please post it in the comments section or e-mail it to me.

Pretty much any topic is fair game and non-baseball stuff is encouraged. In fact, in the past there has been enough variety to break the answers into "baseball questions" and "random questions." I'll collect all the questions, come up with some answers over the weekend, and post the whole thing next week. Please double-check spelling and grammar while keeping the questions as concise and readable as possible, because what you type may appear soon on other people's computer screens.

Fire away!

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