April 26, 2004

Sick Day

I appologize for the lack of a new article today, both here and at The Hardball Times. I think I may have a case of food poisoning. Rather than give details, I'll let you use your imagination, I guess. It's not pretty.

Suffice it so say I wasn't doing a whole lot of writing yesterday. Assuming I'm able to spend some time away from my bathroom today, I hope to have some new stuff for you to read tomorrow. In the meantime, we've had some very good articles over at The Hardball Times so far this week, so feel free to head over there and check them out.

Today's picks:

Houston (Redding) -140 over Pittsburgh (Fogg)

Cincinnati (Lidle) -110 over Milwaukee (Davis)

Florida (Oliver) -110 over Colorado (Estes)

Arizona (Webb) -130 over Chicago (Mitre)

Oakland (Hudson) -100 over New York (Mussina)

Anaheim (Lackey) -130 over Detroit (Cornejo)

Toronto (Batista) +140 over Minnesota (Santana)

Total to date: $420

W/L record: 23-24 (1-0 yesterday for +130 betting against the Twins. I know, I know, I'm a horrible person.)

*****Comments? Questions? Email me!*****

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