May 12, 2004

Nothing to say, finally

I was literally up all night Monday (and into the morning Tuesday) finishing up some "final papers" for my journalism class. One was rather lengthy and somewhat amusing/entertaining/interesting, so I'm actually thinking about posting it here at some point. The papers weren't due until 4 p.m., but I was up at 7 a.m., looking like a zombie, so I figured why not just go turn them in.

After making my way through an empty journalism building to put the fruits of my late-night labor into my teacher's mailbox, I went back to my dorm and signed up for a "check-out time" with my CA (Community Advisor).

He was, I assume, sleeping, but I signed up for a time on the sheet taped to his door. Incidentally, would any of you find it awkward to be crouched down in the hallway of a dorm, writing something on a piece of paper taped to someone's door at 8 in the morning? I don't know why, but I felt like I was breaking some sort of law or something.

Anyway, I signed up for a time on Friday, at which point the CA, whom I have seen one time since September, will take a look at my (hopefully) empty, clean room and declare it fit for me to abandon. In the meantime, I had a whole lot of packing to do.

Unfortunately, I learned that I am physically unable to pack boxes full of stuff following more than 24 consecutive hours of being awake. So I went to sleep and set my alarm for 4:30 p.m. (how many of you have ever said that sentence?).

When I woke up, I went to work, packing all of my prized possessions into duffel bags and moving boxes. After about 20 minutes, I realized I was getting woozy and I wasn't sure why. I went over to the thermostat and noticed the temperature in the room: 84 degrees.

Now, keep in mind that I don't think it got above 75 outside yesterday. I'm lucky I didn't die. The funny thing is, one of the reasons I moved into this particular dorm, as opposed to the one I lived in last year, is that it has air-conditioning, or at least it's supposed to. I had the temp set to 65, so I guess it was off by less than 20 degrees, right?

Anyway, I'm tired, my internal clock is all screwed up, even more than usual, and it is still unbelievably hot in my room. All of which is a long way of saying there isn't much of an entry today. Sorry.

Before I go though, I wanted to share with you some new information I came across. Blogger, the thing I use to publish this website you're reading right now, recently upgraded and added a bunch of new features and stuff.

One of the things is something that shows you how many entries you've posted on your blog and how many total words you've written. Now, before starting The Hardball Times, I was known for my "Gleeman-length" blog entries. Over the last couple months they've been a whole lot shorter, in part because I have been publishing my longer pieces at THT. Still, I had a good 15 months or so of Gleeman-length stuff on this site.

So, wanna take a guess at the total number of words in Aaron's Baseball Blog history?

(Drumroll please ...)


Yes, that's right, 810,295. That's ... like ... almost a million. And that's before today!

There have been a total of 525 entries in this blog's history. Which means, despite some entries that were just quick notes of 50-100 words and the past couple months worth of entries that have been pretty short, I have averaged 1,543 words per entry.

A wise man once said, "If you can't win them over with quality, beat them over the head with quantity."

Actually, I just made that up about 30 seconds ago, but it's not bad. Can you tell I'm rambling? 1,000,000 words, here I come.

Oh, and in case you're wondering ... despite having nothing to say today, this entry? 695 words.

Today's picks:

Florida (Willis) +145 over Houston (Miller)

Atlanta (Hampton) +160 over St. Louis (Morris)

Pittsburgh (Benson) +105 over Colorado (Estes)

New York (Glavine) +170 over Arizona (Johnson)

Cincinnati (Lidle) +130 over San Diego (Lawrence)

Philadelphia (Wolf) +125 over San Francisco (Schmidt)

Seattle (Garcia) -115 over Minnesota (Radke)

Total to date: -$900

W/L record: 39-54 (2-4 yesterday for -330. I stink, that's all there is to it.)

*****Comments? Questions? Email me!*****

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