October 26, 2004

Fantasy Hoops

Some of you may remember that I created a fantasy basketball league for readers of this blog last year and called it "11 Guys Kicking Gleeman's Ass." It was a really fun, competitive league with good owners, and I'd like to do it again this season.

Despite not getting Kevin Garnett for the ninth year in a row, I amazingly managed to avoid getting my ass kicked, winning the league in a tight race that lasted into the final week of the season. We played on ESPN.com, which I think does an excellent job with fantasy stuff. The only problems were that it cost $30 for a team and I've yet to receive my prize for winning, which I'm pretty sure was supposed to be some crappy t-shirt.

For this year, I'm thinking about moving the league from ESPN to Yahoo!, which is free. However, I'm still debating the move because of how much I liked playing on ESPN. So, what I need from anyone interested in playing in the league is for you to drop me an e-mail that tells me a) whether you'd prefer using ESPN or Yahoo!, and b) if you'd be willing to pay the $30 for ESPN.

I enjoyed the league last year so much that I'd have no problem paying $30 to play this year, and the added bonus of having to pay to play is that people tend to stick with their teams through the whole season, even if they're struggling. However, I'm worried that there won't be enough people out there who feel the same way, especially since we're cutting it pretty close with the season starting next week and a lot of you have probably already purchased your teams.

It'll be a 12-team league with rotisserie scoring, and there will be a live, online draft either this Saturday or Sunday afternoon. If you're interested, please let me know.

One other note ...

I talked last week about wanting to look into revenue-generating opportunities for this blog, and I'd like to thank everyone who e-mailed me their comments and suggestions. For now, I've decided to give Blog Ads, a company that acts as the middle man between advertisers and websites, a try.

As you can see to the left, there is now a place for potential advertisers to click if you'd like to learn about placing an ad on Aaron's Baseball Blog. I looked around at some similar sites that use Blog Ads and I think I've priced my ad space very reasonably, and they are available for one-week, two-week and one-month periods.

Hopefully some of you with products to offer and/or websites to promote will consider putting an ad on this blog, where you'll reach 2,500-3,000 sports fans every day. If you have questions about any of this or you'd just like to yell at me for selling out, feel free to contact me, as always.

Today at The Hardball Times:

- News, Notes and Quotes (October 26, 2004) (by Aaron Gleeman)

- Return From Exile (by Ben Jacobs)

*****Comments? Questions? Email me!*****

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