May 20, 2008

Radio Face Overload

Despite having a face made for radio and a body made for writing, for some reason people continue to put me on camera. First, here's this week's "Fantasy Fix" show, which features Gregg Rosenthal chatting with me split screen-style about hot starts from Chipper Jones, Lance Berkman, Josh Hamilton, Edinson Volquez, and Cliff Lee:

If by some miracle you're still not sick of looking at me after watching that, then please check out my latest appearance on FOX's "Sports on Demand" show with Jim Rich and Seth Kaplan. Unfortunately there's no way for me to embed the "Sports on Demand" video, so you'll have to click here and select the episode featuring me from the list on the right. We devoted nearly the entire 30-minute show to Twins talk, with a little basketball discussion thrown in at the very end, so it's worth checking out.

I'll be back tomorrow with some content that doesn't involve being forced to stare at my chins. Promise.

Once you're done here, check out my latest "Daily Dose" column over at Rotoworld.

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