July 14, 2009

Support the Twins Blogosphere, Buy a Good Book

I'm taking the All-Star break off from blogging, but wanted to pass along some details about a product that John Bonnes, Seth Stohs, Nick Nelson, and Parker Hageman have put together called the "Twins Centric Trade Deadline Primer," which is "an unapologetically biased guide to the 2009 trade season for Twins fans only." The e-book contains 65 pages and 30,000 words, including analysis of the Twins organization and all 29 other teams as they relate to the Twins and the upcoming trade deadline.

Not only is the book an excellent product that any hardcore Twins fan would enjoy reading, buying it lets you support four prominent members of the Twins blogosphere who've collectively written an obscene number of words over the years for the combined cost of zero dollars. So whether you're just a Twins fan who likes reading compelling analysis of the team or feel like repaying Bonnes, Stohs, Nelson, and Hageman for all their blogging, check out the Twins Centric Trade Deadline Primer.

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