March 31, 2014
Gleeman and The Geek #139: Baseball Is Back!
Topics for this week's "Gleeman and The Geek" episode included reviewing the Twins' Opening Day roster, going back on KFAN, Scott Diamond and Chris Parmelee passing through waivers, Old Man Gleeman hurting his knee, Byron Buxton's injury, selling Vance Worley, jumping into the Tinder pool, Jason Bartlett's "super" role, losing Alex Presley, over/under predictions for Twins position players, finally getting an iPhone, and podcasting from Freehouse.
Gleeman and The Geek: Episode 139
In addition to the direct download link above you can also subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.
My view as the podcast started:
Oysters and French toast:
Cheese curds, roto chicken, and chocolate cake:
My struggle: