March 10, 2014

Gleeman and The Geek #136: Spring Training and Memorable Butts

Topics for this week's "Gleeman and The Geek" episode included John Bonnes' trip to Twins spring training in Florida, Byron Buxton and the first batch of Twins cuts, drunken women debating the quality of their butts during the podcast, Johan Santana signing with the Orioles, hanging out at Mason's Restaurant downtown, housewarming gifts, singing bartenders, the Miguel Sano aftermath, giving shoutouts, and Twitter tabs.

Gleeman and The Geek: Episode 136

In addition to the direct download link above you can also subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.

The sign outside Mason's as we walked in:

masons sign

My view just before starting the podcast:

masons setup

Bonnes' view after the food started coming out:

masons eggs

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