November 10, 2014

Gleeman and The Geek #170: The New Regime

Topics for this week's "Gleeman and The Geek" episode included Paul Molitor officially being hired as Twins manager, a Torii Hunter reunion, Tom Brunansky returning as hitting coach, last week's impromptu chat with Tim McIntosh, drinking and talking beer at Town Hall Brewery, thoughts from Molitor's press conference, bad newspaper columnists, good bourbon, and being woken up by Molitor on a Saturday morning.

Gleeman and The Geek: Episode 170

In addition to the direct download link above you can also subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.

Here's what it looked like at Town Hall Brewery during the podcast:

town hall brewery podcast

This week's blog content is sponsored by Uber, which is offering a free ride to first-time users who sign up with the promo code "UberGleeman."

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