December 24, 2002
Best of...
Ho ho ho...ah, heck, you know the rest.
Since none of you guys are working today, I figured I wouldn't either.
So, instead of a new column, I present to you...
The best of Aaron's Baseball Blog, 2002 (or at least half of 2002, since this website wasn't created until August):
A.J. Burnett and Jeff Torborg (August 1st - the first post in the history of Aaron's Baseball Blog!)
You're full of (expletive)! (August 2nd)
Erstad's new deal (August 3rd)
The Devil (August 4th)
Pedro (August 5th)
Moose (August 7th)
Woody (August 8th)
Somewhere there is a village missing its idiot (August 9th)
600 (August 9th)
More idiocy over at (August 10th)
Diary of a Madman (August 11th)
The numbers don't lie (August 15th)
Getting the call (August 16th)
I hate to say I told you so... (August 19th)
Johan (August 22nd)
Revisiting the Lawton/Reed trade (August 26th)
My day at the Dome (August 29th)
Halleluja! (August 30th)
A's still streaking (September 2nd)
Those damn lefties (September 9th)
Those damn lefties (Part 2) (September 10th)
Announcers (September 13th)
If a record is broken and no one notices, did it really happen? (September 16th)
Mystery Man (September 24th)
Jim F-ing Thome (aka The Twin Killer) (September 25th)
And now the moment you've all been waiting for... (September 30th)
Fear the monkey (October 4th)
When The Dome is a rockin... (October 5th)
TWINS WIN! (October 6th)
Playoff Preview and Prediction (Round 2: Angels vs. Twins) (October 7th)
1-0 (October 8th)
Nok Hockey, Steaks and a 2-1 ballgame (October 12th)
The big-boned woman has sung (October 13th)
Any press is good press (October 14th)
That's Torii with Two Eyes (October 15th)
World Series Preview and Prediction (October 19th)
All Hail The Rally Monkey (October 28th)
And the award goes to... (October 31st)
The Big Unit (November 6th)
Guess who (November 9th)
"Circle Me Bert!" (Guest Column) (November 13th)
What? This is a baseball blog? (November 15th)
Oh how I love transactions (November 16th)
The Worst Doctor in the World (November 19th)
Mr. General Manager (November 22nd)
Tracing my "Stathead" roots (November 25th)
The future (December 2nd)
The trade winds, they are a blowin... (December 5th)
The Class of 2003 (December 9th)
Free at last (December 16th)
Godzilla (December 20th)
Oh my (December 21st)
And there you go.
The best I have to offer for the last 5 months or so.
Now you're all caught up.
Enjoy the holidays!
*****Comments? Questions? Email me!*****