November 11, 2004
Book Stuff, Pictures and Retirement
I apologize for not having something new for you to read here or at The Hardball Times yesterday. It's very rare for me to completely take the day off at both places, but I really wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to buy The Hardball Times 2004 Baseball Annual, so I left it prominently displayed at the top of this page for a couple days.
I want to thank everyone who bought the book already. In just two days, The Hardball Times 2004 Baseball Annual is already the #17 bestseller in history. Now, that might say more about Lulu than it does about our book, because clearly that's not quite the New York Times bestseller list, but I think it's still pretty good for two days' worth of sales. If you haven't ponied up for the book yet, please do. For only $6.25 you can get the e-book and begin reading it immediately.
The book should be available on soon and it will also start popping up in actual bookstores across the country in the near future. We're working on some other interesting book-related things that I'll let you know all about soon too. For now, I can't wait until my copy arrives in the mail next week, and I'd love to hear what everyone thinks once they get their hands on the copy they ordered too.
I also want to thank the many bloggers who have helped us promote the book this week. We got far too many links and nice words for me to thank everyone personally here, but the overall outpouring of support was really great to see. And for those of you out there with websites who haven't yet given us a plug or two, there's still plenty of time! Every little thing counts and it definitely all adds up.
A few interesting links for you to chew on before I get back on schedule and babbling about poker and the Twins again ...
Today at The Hardball Times:
- The Meat Market: Outfielders (by Aaron Gleeman)