February 27, 2017

Gleeman and The Geek #298: Medicinal Mailbag

Topics for this week's "Gleeman and The Geek" episode included Paul Molitor admitting the Twins botched Jorge Polanco's handling, PECOTA's optimistic view of the Twins' defense, recovery timelines for Phil Hughes, Glen Perkins, and Byung Ho Park, trying to cure hangovers at Fair State Brewing, Twins Daily's fifth anniversary, giving away a pair of 20-game Twins season tickets via the Minnesota Corn Growers, and mailbag questions from listers.

Gleeman and The Geek: Episode 298

In addition to the direct download link above you can also subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.

This week's blog content is sponsored by the Minnesota Corn Growers Association and their website KernelNation.com, which is sponsoring "Gleeman and The Geek" all season.

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