April 3, 2017

Gleeman and The Geek #303: Final Cuts and Thirteen Pitchers

Topics for this week's "Gleeman and The Geek" episode with guest co-host Nick Nelson included the Twins setting their Opening Day roster, keeping 13 pitchers, sending down Byungho Park, Kennys Vargas, and Jose Berrios, the winner of the Adalberto Mejia vs. Tyler Duffey rotation battle, Ricky Nolasco atop the Angels' rotation, Target Field getting rid of Butcher and the Boar rib tips, and early impressions of the Derek Falvey/Thad Levine front office.

Gleeman and The Geek: Episode 303

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This week's blog content is sponsored by Pick and Shovel Wear, which offers creative, original, Minnesota-made apparel. Use the promo code "GleemanGeek" for free shipping, plus a chance to win an Kyle Gibson autographed baseball.

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