August 9, 2002

Ding! Ding! Ding!

This site just went over the 1,000 visitor mark! (The counter is at the very bottom of the page)

Not bad for a site that has been up and running for only a week.

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by for a look (and hopefully bookmarked the page) and a special thanks to everyone who has recommended the site to someone else.

Also, thanks to everyone who has emailed me, I really enjoy them and I always answer each one.

I am however a little disappointed that I haven't gotten any pro-Phil Rogers emails yet.

About 25 or 30 emails that basically agree with me that he is a moron, but none that disagree.

C'mon, there has to be someone out there who agrees with Rogers.

Maybe Mrs. Rogers? M'am, if you are out there, send me an email.

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