December 6, 2006

Questions for Gardenhire

Ron Gardenhire is scheduled to meet with the media here Wednesday afternoon, so if you've got any (legitimate) questions that you'd like me to ask him, leave them in the comments section. Also, make sure to check out my reports from Day 2 of the Winter Meetings over at

During a press conference I sat in on Tuesday, Reds manager Jerry Narron said the following, which I feel compelled to share with my fellow Twins fans:

I'd love to see Kyle Lohse be a lot more consistent. He's got a great arm, but at times it just was not as good as I'm sure he would like to be. If he could have a consistent year and come up with 20, 25 quality starts--which I think he's capable of--I think this guy could have a huge year for us.

No, I didn't ask a follow-up question. I figured that was plenty on its own.

UPDATE: Gardenhire just finished his press conference, which was attended by a grand total of a half-dozen reporters (for comparison, Terry Francona drew a crowd of about 50, with five or six camera crews). I'm not sure how happy you'll be with the answers he gave, but I asked a whole bunch of questions. In fact, I think I may have asked as many as LaVelle E. Neal III, Jason Williams, and Kelly Thesier combined. I'll be back later with the details.

UPDATE #2: My live updates from Day 3 of the Winter Meetings are available over at (just "reload" the page every few hours) and my Day 2 video recap has also been posted.

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