April 3, 2014

At least Aaron Hicks is off to a good start

Aaron Hicks

I've been slacking on the blogging front recently due to a focus on the podcast and various other stuff, but my plan is to get back into a near-daily Twins writing groove again now that the season has started. With that said, I'd like them to actually win a game first or at least not lose a game in stomach-churning fashion. Until that happens, some tiny reason for optimism:

Aaron Hicks after two games this season: 4-for-7.

Aaron Hicks after 16 games last season: 4-for-55.

He's still very young and still very talented, and boy would it be nice to see Hicks have a big bounceback season.

If you haven't yet, check out this week's "Gleeman and The Geek" episode for our official preview of the Twins' season. Starting this weekend the show returns to KFAN-100.3 on Sunday afternoon, so you can listen to us live on the radio, stream us live on KFAN.com, or continue downloading us via podcast.

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